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We currently find ourselves in what’s being described as a “psychedelic renaissance’, that is ripe for a docuseries to remind, highlight and educate the hidden and overlooked indigenous roots of psychedelic culture of the past and present, and how this has shaped the outlook and involvement of the current colonial paradigm and ethos. Thus, we examine the effect of the “War on Drugs” and simultaneously highlight Black, Indigenous, and People of Color leading today’s “remembrance and reclamation” of their relationship with these medicines by connecting to their ancestral roots and traditional healing ways.

Lack of representation of indigenous cultures within this “renaissance”, whom have introduced entheogens to the world, currently remain criminalized, blatantly appropriated, and largely ignored in choices surrounding policy, industry, and applications of entheogenic medicines. For example, who gets to design the psychedelic assisted therapy programs? Who can participate? How does this process differ from the indigenous protocols and relationships with entheogenic medicines? the protocols for the choices, conversations to move forward with new laws that provide accessibility in the mental health sector.

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